花も団子も ~ bread and the songs of birds ~


卵パックのポットをカバー Covered the egg carton pot






I watered the broccoli seeds and I moved the pot.  I found that the egg box is almost broken because it’s wet and soft.

I thought “Should I plant seeds in the plastic egg box pot?”, but I had a brain wave that I cover the paper egg box with the plastic one 💡





  •  強度が増す
  •  プラスチックのパックが受け皿になる
  •  どの区画から水が出たかが分かる(水やりが十分な個所と足りない箇所が分かる)
  •  プラスチックのパックの蓋を閉めれば土の乾燥を防げる


You have four merit.

  • to increase in strength
  • plastic egg box can be used as the tray
  • You can see from which area of the box water overflow. i.e. You can find the compartment which is watered enough and which is not enough.

    ● You can avoid the soil to be dried if you shut the box.



私って天才!? いや、ただの節約家!?😅


Am I genius !?  No, just sparing person!? 😅